Kingsbridge Academy is our Apogee Dayton program for young men (ages 12-17). We provide a rigorous personalized education that emphasizes exploration and experimentation. We're all about forming character, fostering personal responsibility, and promoting physical, mental, and emotional fitness.
We recognize that art, exploration, discovery, and learning are all spiritual endeavors. We embark on learning so that we may be more and do more while knowing and loving God more. As a Christian microschool for boys in Dayton, OH, Kingsbridge Academy is committed to shaping future leaders in the Miami Valley.
To awaken the intellect of young men by training the mind in the art of learning, disciplining the body for enjoyment of the highest good, and guarding the conscience against false sentiments.
We want to provide a viable alternative to value-neutral one-size-fits-all schooling. At the same time we are leading a movement away from the consolidation undermining local control of education.
Kingsbridge seeks to educate the whole person — body, mind, and soul — within the Christian tradition. We embark on education, research, and exploration in the full confidence that what we learn will not contradict our faith, but instead speaks of God’s abundant majesty and grace. We explore so that we may be more and do more while knowing and loving God more.
We operate on the principle of open-source education. Open-source education involves exploration and experimentation. It is far less rule-based and test-driven. In this model students are the initiators. The underlying premise is that practically anything can be the starting point towards self-mastery and a good life. Everyone you encounter is a potential teacher.
We recognize that we have a duty to educate and inform the conscience properly. We want to build character, foster personal responsibility, and promote physical, mental, and emotional fitness.
Our student-centered approach emphasizes exploration and experimentation. Students engage in genuine scholarship. They harden their bodies and they develop a palate for goodness, truth, and beauty. We want them to wrestle with big questions related to origins, meaning, and morality and commit to a particular vision after thoroughly exploring the alternatives.
We recognize that art, exploration, discovery, and learning are all spiritual endeavors. We embark on learning so that we may be more and do more while knowing and loving God more.
Goodness, truth, and beauty are not subjective qualities despite what the culture tells us. Good implies fit for a purpose. Truth is in accordance with things as they actually are, independent of personal preferences and popular consensus. And beauty amplifies what is good and true.
We want our young men to grow more like Christ so they can enter into the freedom that is waiting for them; free to pray fervently, fight honorably, and love discreetly; and to become the truest, kindest, meekest, sternest, gentlest, and most earnest men they can be.
The Church has a great advantage over secular education since it has an understanding of who it is we are educating and a vision for what these individuals might become.
We believe parents deserve to have an accomplished professional instructing their children who shares their values. Instructors should be responsive to parents, not administrators.
We are currently looking for a location in the Miami Valley
Growth and Transformation
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”
“Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King”