There is no such thing as a value-neutral education. Beneath every official curriculum is an unspoken 'hidden curriculum' that imparts a set of implicit norms and beliefs. We want to be upfront about what those are.
— Wendell Berry, The Way of Ignorance
Quaerere deum — “To Seek God”
We understand life as a gift. No one writes the terms for their own existence. We are all participants in a life that was given to us. The world and all that is in it is a gift and we too are meant to be gift givers. We do this through cultivation and creative expression. God has a plan for us, but it’s not about us. Our existence, and our salvation, is for the life of the world.
Recognizing our true nature as gift givers, we orient ourselves outward towards others. Through family our character is formed and then offered to the world. And in doing this we are tending the soil that is the foundation of all society. We are not turning our backs on the world. Instead, we are saying ‘Yes’ to the Creator of the world.
We embark on education, research, and exploration in the full confidence that what we learn will not contradict our faith, but instead speaks of God’s abundant majesty and grace. We explore so that we may be more and serve more while knowing and loving God more and wondering at His magnificence. We recognize exploration, discovery, and the search for truth for what they are — spiritual endeavors.
We understand God not as a thing, but as the Source of All Being. God is the structure of reality. Therefore, we are not afraid to explore the depths of the mysteries of the universe. We find that the shape of the world is Christian. Scripture provides a picture of how the world actually is.
It is written that God, the Absolute Being, spoke the world into existence and declared it good. This implies suitability for a particular purpose. In other words, the universe has one origin and one aim. And all of Creation can be seen as iconography, as a sign, or collection of signs, pointing us to God who made us in His image.
Goodness, truth, and beauty are not subjective qualities despite what the culture tells us. Good implies fit for a purpose. Truth is in accordance with things as they actually are, independent of personal preferences and popular consensus. And beauty amplifies what is good and true.
Man took the one thing that wasn’t offered as a gift. This corrupted everything. It wasn't so much a breaking of rules, but above all the deviation of man's love for God that led to his separation. This "Fall" explains the naturalness of human malevolence. But, of course, God did not leave man in this state of exile and confused longing.
The Giver-of-All-Gifts responded with another gift — Salvation. The author of the universe put on humanity and entered into the Story. The Word, or Logos, became flesh to set things right. Just as life issues from death in other realms, e.g. seedtime and harvest or morning and evening, through Christ life triumphs over death. Through Christ man returned to God and found in Him the only true object of life and love.
At Kingsbridge Academy, you won't find some giant rulebook. We live by a simple code. The expectations are clear, and students hold each other to these standards.
I will make good on my dealings with others. I will be a self-controlled leader, denying myself of any privileges which could potentially derail my credibility. I will never waiver or compromise what is true and right.
My ideals will not waiver in the face of danger. I will stand up for what is right, and will not compromise, no matter who the enemy, and, especially when the enemy is myself.
I will have a countenance of generosity, sympathy, and forgiveness. Compassion serves others, even to the discomfort of self. A chance to help others is an opportunity to change the very direction of humanity.
Extending politeness to all and utilizing good manners is a chance to honor those who have come before me, as well as inspire those who come after me. Respect is gained by the consistent manner with which I deal with people, so I will deal with them accordingly.
My word is my bond, and that bond cannot be broken. In an age where contracts and handshakes are marginalized, I am an Apogee Strong, savage gentleman, committed to my word at all costs.
I will have a dignity of worthiness in all of my work, my cause, and my purpose. My transparency in leadership and principled living will be evident in public, and in private.
I am loyal to myself, my cause, my family, my friends, and to the betterment of society through the daily living of the Apogee Code. I take personal responsibility for my decisions and actions, as well as the correlating result of them, both.
Growth and Transformation
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”
“Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King”